Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Create your own Destiny

Leadership - What defines a natural leader.  Someone who others want to be around, will lead by example and establish a winning formula for those he influences.

Too often we look for leadership in all the wrong places.  For example politicians, friends, co-workers just to name a few.  Why are we consistently seeking out leadership in others?  Usually to mask or overcome areas in our own lives we perceive as inadequate or less than desirable.  

True leadership happens by rising up and overcoming those areas where we may come up short.  A friend of mine understood for his business to prosper he needed to learn how to sell his product.  Although he had never sold anything in his life he was unfazed.  He simply learned all he could about selling and mastered the skills required to become a great salesperson.  

He didn't look for leadership from another person.  He led by example and turned his business into a multi-million dollar juggernaut.  His employees were motivated by his leadership and there production increased.

Great leadership creates a clear unyielding vision.  True leadership comes from within.  Become your own leader and achieve results beyond your wildest dreams.  Don't be afraid of failure, for out of the ashes of failure comes greatness.

Till Next Time

Your Partner In Success

Jeff VandeDrink

Monday, November 3, 2014

From The Heart

What happens when there is no hope.  Does despair, desperation and loneliness overcome you.  Where will you turn in your darkest hour.

We all face these times.  I myself have personally failed miserably on numerous occasions.  I understand the loneliness involved in deep stages of depression.

We all need a hope, a glimmer of light in the madness.  The Bible says we only need faith the size of a mustard seed.  Sometimes a mustard seed is hard to find.

From The Heart is a humbling perspective on personal growth and faith.  Through an understanding of our own journey we can plan for a successful destination.

Begin with an honest self-evaluation of who we really are.  Explore visions, dreams and accomplishments and grow from them.  What is truly preventing you from reaching your potential.

Let's take a journey together to become successful spiritually, emotionally and financially.

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.  The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time".    Thomas Edison

Till Next Time

Jeff Vande Drink

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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Coming Back from Nowhere

Dare to plan to succeed!

The only difference between success and failure lies in basic principles:

1.  Take Action. -  If you have a great idea make it a reality.
2.  Plan to be successful.  Surround yourself with other positive people.  Like minds think alike.
3.  Put in the time.  There are no shortcuts for consistent effort.
4.  Become a trusted resource for others.  Build relationships not acquaintances.
5.  Be fearless.  Famous quote from Henry Ford:

Coming Together is a beginning:
Keeping Together is progress:
Working Together is success.

Thanks for reading.  Till next time have a blessed and prosperous day!